Seize the Sunscreen

Hey, jet-setters and daydreamers, buckle up because we're about to dive into the exhilarating world of splurging on vacations and why it's high time to ditch the 'someday' mentality! Jen Maki here, remember me? I've been doing what I do best over here saving the day with Delta's nonstop schedule changes while advocating for trading FOMO for YOLO.

Picture this: you're lounging on a pristine beach, a cocktail in hand, and the only decision you have to make is whether to snorkel with colorful fish or indulge in an afternoon siesta.

Now, close your eyes and ask yourself, "Why am I not doing this right now?"

It's not a trick question, amigo – it's a wake-up call!

In a world of responsibilities, deadlines, and adulting, it's easy to push dreams of far-off destinations to the back burner. We often think, "I'll travel when I have more time, more money, or when pigs start flying." Spoiler alert: pigs are still grounded like the Boeing 737-9 Max planes and time, my friends, is a sneaky wizard that never slows down.

Sure, saving for the future is wise, but let's not forget to invest in the present – in experiences that fill our souls and Instagram feeds with wanderlust.

Life's too short to postpone joy.

Read that again.

Why wait until retirement to embark on that dream vacation when you can create memories today?

Think of your money as a well-behaved child – let it explore the world and grow into unforgettable experiences. A splurge on a vacation isn't just a ticket to a destination; it's a passport to a realm of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and stories that make you the hero of your own narrative.

"But Jen, what about responsibilities and adulting?" I hear you, and my answer is simple: responsible splurging. Budget wisely, prioritize experiences over possessions and let the world be your playground. Because when you're old and gray, what stories will you have to tell – the thrilling adventures or the meticulously organized spreadsheets?

I get it; life is a juggling act. But don't let the routine overshadow the extraordinary. Carpe diem, seize the sunscreen and let's make today the story you'll tell tomorrow.

Remember, the only trip you will regret is the one you didn't take.

So, book a call so we can work together to plan that perfect vacation. Then you can pack your bags, schedule your O-O-O response, and let the journey of a lifetime begin. Your future self will thank you for living in the moment and for choosing today over 'someday'.

To the next stamp in your passport,

Jen Maki

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