Let's Go To India!

Namaste and Happy Tuesday!

COVID derailed many of our plans for 2020 including organizing group travel to exotic places. Between lockdowns and vaccine requirements we all but threw the baby out with the bath water on this idea, but I’m excited to announce that we are moving forward with an exciting itinerary and opportunity for you to travel to India in 2024!

I just got off a zoom meeting with the organizers of this amazing tour, Creative Events of India. They are a local tour company in India who is organizing and escorting the group. The daughter, Shivani, was a student at St Scholastica when when we first met. She has graduated and is back in India helping her father run the family business. They've thought of every detail including food, culture, history, bazaars, henna, yoga, beaches, Bollywood, multiple UNESCO heritage sites, forts and even river rafting all in one itinerary!

And it’s All Inclusive!

So there is no need to worry about learning the language or getting around from Point A to B to C since it is fully escorted by locals who live in India and will accompany you and your travel companions throughout the itinerary to ensure you return home with memories for life! Meals, entrance tickets, transportation and even assistance with bargaining for the best deal at the bazaar is all included!

I can almost taste the curry chicken, how about you?

India? Isn’t it dangerous? I figured this would come up, so I did a little googling. According to the Hindu Times, 245 Americans have died in India over the past 12 years. Compare that to Chicago where almost the same amount died so far this year from homicides. Meh, I’m willing to take my chances. Besides, this tour is fully escorted with security personnel!

This itinerary is limited to the first 20 people who sign up before 7/1/23. Click here to see the itinerary in full detail and to sign up! Know someone who would love to go to India but doesn't want to travel alone? Please share this email with them! We have double and single occupancy rates, so there is no excuse to miss out on this once in a lifetime trip to India!

To the next stamp in your passport,

Jen Maki

Divine Destinations

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